Using PEBL Remotely Tutorial 2: PEBL Data Server

This blog post is a companion to a video tutorial here: The files used in this tutorial can be downloaded here: This blog posting describes how to user the PEBL Data server to allow you to upload data to a central server, once it has been completed by a participant. It covers a number […]

Tutorial series on Using PEBL remotely

With the recent social distancing measures, people are looking for ways to run PEBL tests remotely in one way or another. Although I have made attempts several times to create a version that runs within a web browser, this method does not work currently.  However, there are several other approaches and possible use cases. I […]

Using PEBL Remotely Tutorial 1: creating a standalone package for participants to download

This is a companion blog post to the video tutorial here: I will give details here that are hard to follow in the video. In this tutorial, I will show how you can create a .zip file that participants can unzip onto their own computer, run, and then follow your instructions for getting the data […]